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Crisis Support and Mental Health Resource Directory

IntraConnect runs on an appointment basis. IntraConnect is not a crisis or mental illness support service. If you or someone you know is in crisis or in danger, please do not use this site but seek help from emergency service providers. 


Ambulance/Police: Call an ambulance/police on 000 or have a trusted friend/relative take you to the Emergency Department


NSW Mental Health Care Team: 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. Specialist mental health care. Advice, referrals, crisis, support – Phone 1800 011 511. Triage and assessment service.


Crisis Support
Lifeline: 24-hr phone & online counselling (crisis support) - 13 11 14,

Suicide Call Back Service: Free phone counselling for anyone affected by suicide (immediate crisis counselling, up to 6 free phone sessions with the same counsellor) - 1300 659 467,




Anxiety and Depression
Black Dog Institute: National service for mood disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicide and self harm, and wellbeing) -

BeyondBlue: 24-hr phone & online counselling (depression/mood disorders & anxiety) - 1300 22 4636,


Perinatal Depression and Anxiety (PANDA): Free national helpline service offering support for new and expecting parents 9am-7.30pm Monday-Friday - 1300 726 306,


Mens Help Line Australia: MensLine Australia is a free telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime. 1300 78 99 78


Children and Youth Mental Health
Kids Helpline: 24-hr phone & online counselling for ages 5-25 yrs old (relationships, school, mental health, parenting) - 1800 551 800,

Reach Out: Help for under 25s for help through tough times. Information, support, and resources -


Headspace: National service for young people. Group chat, resources, and information -

Contact Gener

The Pines Sanctuary, Martinsville, NSW, 2265
Email:  |  Phone: (+61) 02 - 4003 6011

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© 2024 Gener Lapina. All Rights Reserved. 'IntraConnect' is the trading name for the Partnership  of Gener Lapina and Rebecca Hannan ABN 48 774 654 541.


More information on the Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching services Rebecca offers via her website 

We (Gener and Rebecca) acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the land that we live, learn and work on. We are on the traditional lands of the Awabakal and we give our enduring respect to this land and its Elders past, present and emerging. 

We wholeheartedly embrace diversity and are committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for all. 

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